Saturday, December 3, 2011


Those were some of the best moments of my life. I know I always fancied the idea of having tea from a large mug in a balcony or terrace or anywhere close to nature.

I have always been in love with nature and the idea of tea with it is like one of the best things happening to me.

The strong smell of tea leaves with a mild odour of ginger in it, a bird flying high in the sky and the sounds of nature along with man made noises (which is a little disturbance but tolerable nonetheless), I could live my entire life that way and never get bored.

For a person who loves moment writings, that is the best setting. Thoughts flow and there is no way you can forget them. Type them out later and celebrate achieving one more piece of writing.

Nature gives me peace of mind and piece to write on, both of which are my happy priorities.

There is something about watching the sky and enjoying the birds soaring high above. However, this which I loved more when I was young is less enjoyed by me now. I do not know if it is the pollution, ozone hole or man to blame, even though all the three are interconnected. I tire my neck by looking up for long minutes to catch a glimpse of a bird flying high in the sky but in vain.

It doesn’t usually happen nowadays and honestly it doesn’t surprise me anymore.

I have a dream. It includes a lot of things put together. But one piece of that dream is to sit outside every day, sip at my tea mug and think about more things to write, this time on a wooden armchair in a house made from opal wood.

The closest to nature (according to me!).

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