Monday, May 31, 2010


As the night crawls up and the eyes go blind, I walk through those lanes. Everything is pitch black, so much so that this time my shadow betrayed me too. All that I could see was blindness around me. The stones shone like radium stars fallen from the nuclear sky. And I kept walking…….

There were no lights that would help me see myself. It was just an eerie silence which walked with me and kept me company along with the noise of my own footsteps. Now I seemed to be a part of the dark and melted away with it. Then there was more noise and noise beyond my footsteps…..Yes, I saw people. But alas, this was an illusion too. I thought I saw a few people pass by, but it was just a representation of the marked outline of the dark which had engulfed me throughout. They passed by without noticing me.

Yes, I was not only walking in the dark but was now a part of the same.

Then it was something I could see and this time beyond the dark. Sooner this betrayed me too. It was the beam of that bright light which hurt me in my eyes and forced them to close as it silently mocked at me and passed away. What remained was my blindness and the dark which caused it.

I live in that world and walk down that path and then think….how I wish the colours that people define existed in my world too. Nevertheless, my darkness always walks with me.

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