With scarf covered heads and nothing but eyes visible, this culture has become a wild infection.
In the past few years or rather 2 years I have seen a lot of women and not just the Burkha clad women cover their entire face except their eyes.
I know it is compulsory to the Muslim women and I respect it but girls and women form other cultures seem to love this trend or rather they are forced into it.
Talk about hiding everything including your nose and mouth and increasing the amount of suffocation!
Who is to blame for all this?
I am myself one of those few who happens to cover her head but nose and mouth is not my forte. It is suffocating and irritating.
So coming back to the question of why more and more women are turning to this sense of fashion? The answer is pretty simple. With the amount of increase in frequency of cars, busses, bikes and other vehicles on road, the amount and frequency of hair fall, scalp and skin problems, respiratory problems and other issues has raised and reached a level so high that it seems strange if women don’t actually wear them.
Recently a friend of mine visited me in Hyderabad and it was interesting to note what he thought about the current scenario and also more on climate change.
He completed his graduation in Vellore and the temperatures there are pretty severe if not anything else. According to him girls in Vellore are often seen either in shades or they use umbrellas. The interesting part is that if boys use either of this they end up being called stupid or a few more weird names.
What I fail to understand is why should anyone stereotype anyone else just because they are carrying something as a fashion accessory, a protection against sun or to simply beat the heat? So much harassment just to stay your way?
Look at the now lost forever cover of the trees. If Hyderabad at any pint boasted about its tree cover then I think she should work at getting it back. With so many buildings coming up it is not only difficult but impossible to find a tree and stop under its shade.
How are the actresses going to dance around the trees anymore now? Well, that’s just a thought!
More so, everyone now wants to own a car or a vehicle as such and there is not much space on the roads. Just imagine what would be the condition of the roads, vehicles, people and of course the stores around when the metros will come up. They are soon on their way by the way!
Let’s start with the blame game again. These days everyone wants to work which includes people of ages like 20 onwards or sometimes even lesser. Due to this public transport has to be increased and therefore roads have to widen. For this trees have to be cut and there by this adds to more pollution.
The simple equation hence comes to:
Increase in population=directly proportional to=increase in want of employment= directly proportional to =increase in public transport= directly proportional to=cutting down of tress= directly proportional to=increase in pollution= directly proportional to=increase in the number of head scarfs.
Isn’t that simple? Well it might be but what isn’t simple is the sympathetic situation of the area and the Mother Earth on the whole.
As I said all things are directly proportional so changing one will change everything. However the million dollar question is what to begin with?
Concentration on inflation (forcing every member of the family to run outside to earn), increasing the tree cover (which means reduction of vehicles on road) or increasing the public transport (which means increase in tree cutting)?
I hope someone comes up with a solution which beats mine and can make more sense and brings little or no altercations along with it.
Until then, ladies continue the head scarfs!